I Want To Work From Home - What Will It Take To Be Successful?

I know EXACTLY how you feel.

I wondered if I could do it myself. The old brick and mortar way of doing business is almost a thing of past. You get stuck with a high overhead, lots of employees, health insurance and unemployment plans, bookepers just to get you started. So perhaps, you're like me and millions of others out there who are tired of fighting traffic, bosses, deadlines and co-workers just to pay the bills on time.

You wonder "Is there a way out of this?" I can tell you, YES THERE IS. But it's not going to be easy. Todays internet marketing gives you exposure, but is it in the right place?

Who sees it? Who wants your product, and seeing as you are about to embark on a new business, will your product stand up under scrutiny? Will it make you only 10% of a hundred dollar sale and how much running around or product sales do you need before you even clear your first hundred dollars?

The second thing you need is COMMITMENT. Not only to your product and your business, but to YOURSELF. You have to believe in both, because less than 10% of those who start home businesses are still in them three months later. It takes action, persistence, and yes, investment. This investment is not only your time, but your money. Anyone who says you can make thousands of dollars a year (or even a month, for that matter), probably won't tell you how much it's going to take to start that project and keep it afloat.

Upgraded home and cell phone plans, copier, scanner, fax machine, business cards, brochures, logos, etc. are all just a place to start. It's your advertising costs that will test your mettle as you look for ways to have your product SEEN in the marketplace and be "branded" as it were, to you. This takes time and money and plenty of it. You have to have an entrepreneurial personality and be a bit of a risk taker. Confidence and persistence will eventually pay off.

The first thing you have to look for is a product with QUALITY and a good compensation plan. Then you have to find the right person and company to join, and the right team to support you. Plenty of marketers out there are very successful, and promote themselves that way, but will they have time just for YOU if you join their team? With all that money, success and bravado, will they really return your phone calls? I guarantee you that our team is strong and successful and that we return your phonecalls!

Come join me and my team at Global Resorts Network (GRN) and I can show you how, with a little passion and a lot of persistence, you can start making your dreams come true. You have to plan early, so stop by to find out what we're all about.


Lindy Tucker

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lindy_Tucker

Lindy Tucker - EzineArticles Expert Author


Posted by mbuhlah, Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:55 AM


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