Make Thousand Dollars Part-Time

By Ryan J. Taylor
There are a number of ways you could make thousand dollars part-time in a matter of a month. To do this successfully, you simply need to find something that you have the time, the ability, and usually the passion to do. Once you identify what it is that is a unique quality to you, making the thousand dollars is a piece of cake.

Let me give you an example. In Chicago, dog walking is a pretty competitive business. Most of the time people start dog walking to make a little extra income, but they quickly learn that this is a service that is high in demand. Then they realize that they can leverage their time by walking 4-5 dogs at a time, for $20 each. Now they're making $100+ an hour just by taking some pets for a walk and getting some good exercise at the same time.

Obviously this example doesn't work for everyone. For one, you need the time, the right location and it is probably a good idea to be a pet lover. But the point is that it doesn't take a really unique, amazing plan to make thousand dollars a month. In fact, simpler is almost always better.

Identify what it is that you can do either with your time or skills that other people would find valuable. Maybe it's doing research, maybe you are good at typing or proof reading. If you are patient and good with computers, that's a great combination to help elderly people learn how to use technology. If you are organized, you can start a business cleaning garages and basements, or organizing offices. There are millions of possibilities for your to make extra money.

If you take action, be responsible, and do a good job, you will have more work than you know what to do with. At that point you can start hiring employees to do some of the work for you and turn your part-time business into a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Sit down and create a list of 5 - 10 ways you can provide value to someone with your time and skills, and narrow down that list to the ones you will enjoy the most. Making thousand dollars more a month is really that easy. When you learn how to do this, it becomes easy to repeat the process and make this kind of money on a weekly and then daily basis.

Learn how easy it is to become a millionaire by visiting Millionaire Money Habits. A free report to teach you how to become rich is waiting for you at

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Posted by mbuhlah, Friday, June 6, 2008 4:19 AM


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