Is Mike Dillard For Real?

Mike Dillard, Magnetic Sponsoring And MagneticSponsoringOnline Are Marketing Systems That Many Use To Help Build Their Network Marketing Business. The cold hard truth is that most users of the funded proposal system aren't even aware that every time they promote Magnet Sponsoring, they are promoting Mike Dillard. 90% of Magnetic Sponsoring system users should understand how important Branding is to their marketing since the courses provided through the system teach it. The art of attraction marketing comes into play when a person is seen as the expert.

This means people will seek out an individual who they believe can be of help. This is another marketing concept that is taught in the courses. So if users of the MS system know these key marketing concepts, why do they continue to go out and Brand Mike Dillard over and over again making him the expert in the eyes of their own prospects? In the beginning, most users of the Magnetic Sponsoring system will not have, access to the money it takes to create their own funded proposal system and there for use Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring System. I also believe the users of the system feel the need to be committed to Mike Dillard because of all the great training he provides.

I have used the MS system when I first came across the idea of funded proposals. It really is a great system. It provides great marketing products, lead generation system along with a community were Magnetic Sponsoring users can come together to share their ideas.

Let's play the "what if" question game for a bit. What if you had your own funded proposal system and not have to rely on Magnetic Sponsoring and Mike Dillard? What if you had your own products to market? What if you could generate a massive quantity of commissions to help offset your marketing cost? What if you had top Internet network marketing leaders teaching you step by step how to market online and generate super red-hot leads for your business? What if the whole time you were the one being Branded as the expert and not some other Guru. Do you think the prospects you generated, would seek you out more often? You bet they would! Mike Dillard himself says, don't be the hunter, become the hunted. Magnetic Sponsoring and Mike Dillard provide a great service. However all the material and training we come across is to create value in ourselves so we can go out and become more successful. Just continue to follow the great mentors online and learn from them.

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Joe LoBalsamo is the CEO of Internet Network Marketing Secrets. "Want To Learn More About A System That Will Generate Cash For Your MLM Even If No One Joins Your Business And Pays For Your Advertising To Generate Endless Red-Hot Targeted Prospects Who Want To Know More About Your Business?"

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Posted by mbuhlah, Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:44 AM


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