The Shocking Truth About The Four Reasons To Build A Home Based Business Of Network Marketing

Many people the world over are tired of working a nine to five job and are looking to explore business ideas so that they can work for their own desires instead of someone else's. Out of all the home based business ideas, many believe that network marketing is the most reasonable. Many people in business today are also looking into this avenue of making a residual income. We will explore a few of the main reasons why network marketing home based business ideas are the best choice for most today.

To start an average brick and mortar business, the person involved will need to devote substantial amounts of money to get it off the ground. They will need to lease or buy a piece of property, purchase all of the fixtures, permits and fees, equipment, inventory. They must pay all the costs of running a physical establishment i.e. electricity, phone, insurance, overhead signage, wages, taxes, advertisements for employment as well as customers, and many more. Most home based business ideas involving network marketing can be started anywhere from $10/ month up to a few hundred a month, significantly less than brick and mortar. With only the entrepreneur's home upkeep costs, hardly any signage (if any), no employees, and much of the advertisement can be done free or for minimal costs on the internet.

Many of the brick and mortar businesses starting up require immense amounts of personal time to be involved in not just getting it off the ground, but also in the running of the establishment. Extreme amounts of hours devoted to screening employment applicants, supervising the construction or renovations of a current establishment. Most of the waking day of the new business owner will be spent in training and overseeing new employees and managers, to be sure that the business runs the way the owner wants it to operate. Whereas your average network marketing home based business idea can be built using only an entrepreneurs "off-time" from their current profession, anywhere from 2 hours a week for the beginner up to 15 to 20 hours for the more serious in the industry.

Many brick and mortar businesses, unless investing in a popular franchise, do not have a system already set up for the owner to instruct new employees and management in the day to day operations. The owner then must spend inordinate amounts of both time and money into the planning of how the business is to be ran, and the initial startup of said business. Usually the entrepreneur will require the assistance of a lawyer or at the very least a consultant that will assist the owner in building a plan of operation to succeed in this endeavor. A home based business, usually network marketing, often has a successful system already in place that the new entrepreneur can plug into to follow in the footsteps of those who have already made thousands if not millions of dollars in the industry.

The majority of small brick and mortar businesses hire employees who have no major incentives to help the business succeed. Most will be there purely for the pay check and have no interest at all in proper customer service and retention. We have all been in a local store where the employee is doing his or her own thing instead of doing the job that they are payed to do.

So these are just a few of the many reasons why many people turn to networking businesses instead of expensive and time consuming brick and mortar businesses. There are many more reasons, it just now comes down to a person's willingness to be open to the truths that abound when brainstorming home based business ideas which include network marketing.

Dean L Leverett is an internet consultant who works from home in Arkansas. He teaches other network marketers how to make online business a success.

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Posted by mbuhlah, Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:29 AM


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