The Cold Hard Truths Of Starting A Home Based Business

It will eat your cash, leave you tired, take away your free time, demand a lot of patience, trust and understanding from your loved one's, devour your spirit and suck out your soul!

It's great! Despite the harsh reality of starting a new business, there is definitely something very addictive to being your own boss. Being free and independent and fully understanding the more work you do, the higher the rewards. For some it's a dream come true, for a few others a little forward thinking may have shown up possible pitfalls in their plans.

All around the world today people are seriously considering starting their own home based business. Approximately 60% of all new businesses started are based from home; in the U.S. there are currently around 40 million and the U.K. 2.1 million households running companies from home. Take into account the rest of the world, the total figure must be staggering.

If you are thinking about starting a business at home, there are a few facts that you really should consider before you take the plunge. On the surface life looks great, working in your pajamas, sitting in the garden, taking long holidays. Try not to be confused by advertisements you may see, working without peer pressure and to ensure you are not led astray by distractions is not an easy way to work.

Before you start your home based business, it makes a lot of sense to prepare a business plan. You must discover if your ideas are workable and can you make money. You may have had a dream about running a children's day care centre or a dog's grooming parlour. But if you live in an apartment block your neighbors may not be too keen on the noise.

Make a list of possible business ventures, now you can look into the financial figures. How much would it cost you to supply the service or product and how much would people be prepared to pay. A larger question is how many customers you can attract. Sometimes we see an item and think wow $200 profit, but could you supply and market to enough clients to keep those profits going.

Business is all about profits; it's the profits that produce your income. When you first set up your new business you hopefully will have arranged a separate banking account that you can use to support your new venture. Managing your money will be difficult at first and realistically it will take a little time to start seeing a decent income; many people start their home based business on a part time basis. However there are many successful entrepreneurs who set up at home following their companies' closure.

Setting aside a work area will be vital to your success, ideally transform a spare room in your house, but often this is not always possible. Unfortunately this will mean letting your family understand that you are working, noises and interruptions can be hard to control.

However, if now you still have the desire to start your home based business, you have researched your intended path and sorted your finances, go ahead. If you believe in yourself, your business and you work hard enough, there are no reasons why you cannot realize your dreams.

Michael Lyall was a professional financial consultant who now enjoys the freedom and independence of working from home, helping others Start A Home Business. For more info:

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Posted by mbuhlah, Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:48 AM


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