Little Known Secrets to Big Success in Your Home Based Business

Some things work. Some Don't. Everyday thousands of home based and small business owners keep doing what didn't work and yet they act surprised when they get the same results. Knowing the difference between the two is not the secret, but applying that knowledge is absolutely critical. If this is so obvious, what then must you do to achieve success?

Here are 5 keys to do less of what doesn't work and more of what does:

1. Look at what caused business failures. In their ignorance or pride, many owners ignore history and blindly pursue their passion. There's a better method: play the W.H.O. game. You need to ask what can go wrong (the "W"), how can I prevent it ("the "H"), and opportunities for improvement (the "O")? Not difficult, but winning this game is essential to avoiding dozens of pitfalls.

2. Research what worked. Books and articles covering every aspect of business are available for review. If you have a clear idea of what success will look like for your company, you can quickly narrow your research and learn from many who have gone before you. You need to know what you want, learn about the many resources for research, and study from the best. The quality of the questions you pose will determine the value of the answers you receive.

3. Determine the common and unique variables. Water and gasoline are both liquids; however, only one will fuel your engine. In this illustration, the common and unique variables are obvious. In studying success and failure of similar businesses, it's not always easy to discern the differences that separated one result from the other. You need to dig deep for information pinpointing where one business detoured from the narrow path to success and followed the broad road to failure.

4. Put in place a process to consistently perform the critical variables. Equipped with the knowledge gained through research, you need to establish procedures that keep you on the path to success, including critical performance metrics that allow you to quickly look at trends so that course corrections can be made in time to prevent a disaster.

5. Be resolute on the unique variables. Successful business owners do not play around with what got them on and keeps them on the path to success. You need to be resolute on setting boundaries on what you will and will not do to produce consistent and sustainable results.

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Ideas implemented are PRICELESS!

For more information and a free copy of my book, Wealth Habits: The Secrets of Top Income Producers!, please visit And after registering, a few days later I'll have another gift for you, Success Essentials: Step Out of Routines, Over Obstacles, and Up to Opportunities!

A bit of background on me...I am a Productivity Strategist with nearly four decades of progressive leadership experience. As a business owner, I strive to transform human potential into a sustainable competitive advantage. I enjoy applying my expertise by helping home based and small business owners, coaching executives, developing leaders, streamlining production, enhancing revenue, and generating measurable results.

If I may assist you, just click on (Contact Grant).

© 2008 Grant Ferguson, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Posted by mbuhlah, Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:32 AM


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