How To Grow Gray Hairs In Your Spare Time

After months of agonizing over the pros and cons, the should I's and shouldn't I's, the what could happens if I do and the what could happens if I don't, you've finally made the decision to quit your job, stay home to raise your family and begin running a home-based business-- all at the same time.

You know that as soon as you take that final step, there's no going back. Things will never be the same again. And then, the thought pops into your head, "Oh my gosh! What have I done?"

Relax! You know in your heart that this is the best decision for you and everyone concerned.

You're going to get to be home with your babies to enjoy their childhood before it's gone, you won't have to put up with the office politics or that jerk you called your boss, you won't have to go out early in nasty weather or come home late to tired to do anything but toss the McDonalds bag on the table and put your feet up. But best of all, you'll finally get to start that business at home you've always yearned for.

Then, like some boogieman in a monster movie, reality rears its ugly head!

Within a few weeks comes the realization that you have gotten absolutely nothing done that you had planned. Sure, you've had a great time establishing a new routine, playing with the kids, hubby likes coming home to having a real meal on the table that's not takeout, he appreciates the laundry being done before he has to ask where his favorite shirt is, but you haven't gotten anywhere on your plans for your home-based business. How the heck did that happen?

Don't stress out! You've hit the same snag hundreds of other work-at-home women have run into. You need to make up a schedule and STICK TO IT! You can do it-you were a working gal just a little while ago. You know all about getting things done on time. Well, this is now your time schedule. Make up a realistic one and get moving.

Check for the times when baby eats, sleeps and plays. When the older kids get home from school, set up snack time and a homework and play schedule for the rest of the afternoon. Do some of the housework and laundry every day of the week and don't be afraid to assign chores to everybody. It never hurt anyone to do some work around the house ,plus, it builds character. From this timetable, assign hours to yourself to work on your business. Be truthful about how long you will need to finish a task but go easy on yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day!

Remember-no schedule is carved in stone. Things will happen to throw it off once in a while but that's the beauty of working at home. It's your schedule and you can arrange it anyway you want!

One last point I'd like to get across to all work-at-home Mommies. You must take some time for yourself at the end of each day. You've put a lot of hard work into setting everything up and it can work but you need time to relax each day. If you don't, exhaustion will set in, resulting in loss of drive and creativity.

Besides, you'll need a few minutes at the end of each day to count the new gray hairs.

Stephanie Walls has written articles on the Web and Internet Marketing for beginners and pros. She knows you want to get the right answers to all the questions you have before you start. Visit the following site to learn about the expert solutions she has uncovered to solve these problems. Programs OR

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Posted by mbuhlah, Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:31 AM


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